"As a mentor, Anne creates a sense of real partnership and teamwork. Anne has a gift for creating a supportive space where ideas and concerns can flow freely, and where confidence and courage can be nurtured."
Rhian Bradley Director Governance Consulting
We will agree a programme of meetings after discussing your needs. Anne will act as your personal consultant and mentor. We can address any issues challenging you. Some examples might be strategic visioning, building constructive working relationships, creating a flexible workplace, crisis management, leadership and team building, enhancing professional skills etc.
Anne will offer objective insights, fresh ideas, constructive comment, new perspectives and realistic solutions. She will be a sounding board, an extra brain, an energy source, a valued partner.
We will agree a programme of meetings after discussing your needs. Anne will act as your personal coach and mentor. We can work together to help you build the future of your dreams. This might include identifying strengths and weaknesses as well as likes and dislikes; working on your personal effectiveness; developing career plans and creating choices; enhancing personal relationships; and improving your work life balance.
Anne will offer honest feedback, creative thinking, different approaches. She will help you help yourself - and take an interest in your success.